The year 2008 is supposed to be the year when I breed pomeranians extensively. The past two years I have been slowly collecting bitches and 2008 was supposed to be the year when they sexually mature. Of the 5 pom bitches I keep, the last heat was on Jan 2, 2008, on the bitch's first year birthday. After my first pom litter unexpectedly died in January, I was aching to pick-up the pieces and try again, but year-old bitch in heat (Princess) was simply too young to be bred at that time.
Almost every day after January I would inspect the behinds of my pom bitches anticipating that hint of blood or swelling that would signal the onset of estrus. Days and weeks will fly and I end up disappointed. I was aching to breed again, to see if I can raise a viable litter the second time around, hoping that the new litter will erase the pain of the lost one and erase self-doubts of being a failure as a pomeranian breeder. There I was aspiring to be a breeder of significance, poring over books and web pages, supposedly armed with nuggets and anecdotes of breeding wisdom, elected pomeranian board moderator and Philippine pomeranian club president, and yet my very first pom litter - while very promising, all mysteriously died within hours of each other at a supposedly safe age of 2 months.
The ache and doubt were so much that I ended up in the kennel of my breed mentor one day requesting for a bitch of breeding age with which I can finally wrestle and vanquish the demons in my head and heart. For almost two hours, I was choosing among a steady stream of bitches offered. My eyes kept hovering over the small, pretty bitches, but my mentor wisely told me that I need a big bitch for breeding. It need not be pretty, so long as it has good bloodline behind it that can produce the pretty ones I like. For two hours I was debating between pretty and big. Eventually I surrended and got the big (5.5 lbs), black bitch Missy. I swear I didn't like Missy. I find her ugly. I was already at home with her on the first night, but part of me is still contemplating on exchanging her for the small, pretty ones I left behind. I did not want Missy, but I knew I need her. I know my mentor was right.
Eight months after her first heat, Princess finally had her second heat on August 14. By this time, my heart and mind have gotten already numb from fruitless waiting. I have learned to surrender to fate. I was elated about the breeding opportunity, but I was not jumping for joy the way I would have been had it happened earlier in the year. And so I scheduled a mating with Canton kennel. I simply wanted to mate Princess with any Canton dog that can help correct her not so straight quarters.
Two days after Princess' first mating, Missy showed hints of blood. Apparently, older Missy would not allow Princess to have babies way ahead of her. In animals, there is a pecking order on who is supposed to reproduce. The larger and stronger bitch ought to reproduce first to ensure greater success in perpetuating the species. By coming into heat, Missy is asserting this biological fact. As Missy is a valuable Canton bitch, the choice of stud took more careful study. I eventually chose a Hall of Famer whose face and luxurious, harsh coat I adore so much.
Two days after Missy's first sign of heat, little miss Peggy followed suit. Peggy is a few days shy of her first birthday, but this assertive female with voracious appetite seemed to be announcing to the world that she also has the right to reproduce herself. She is not to be left behind, her age notwithstanding. I faced a dilemma with Peggy. My normal breeding dictum is to breed on second heat (just like in the case of Princess) and not to breed a bitch younger than one year. And so I ignored Peggy.
A few day's after Peggy's first sign of heat, yet another bitch is coming to heat. It was Blossom, mother of my first litter that died. Blossom actually came into heat sometime in March but I skipped that because she had caesarian section the last time. Now she is ready again. I planned to breed her again to Pumpkin Prince, with the hope that this time the Supreme Breeder will bless me with the same beautiful litter that will grow into adulthood. And so I called Canton again for a mating appointment - the third dog in a span of 2 weeks! I should get frequent flyer miles for visiting that kennel :-) All I got were eyebags for having to wake up early for those morning matings. My bitches' business have to be done before I go to work.
The night before I sent Blossom for mating, I examined her vulva. The size, color and smell did not seem to scream "I am already ready!" I put her back into her pen and picked up instead Peggy who has been demanding my attention more since she came into heat. So what is domineering Peggy up to this time? I examined her casually and I was surprised with what I saw. Her vulva was so swollen and so big that it was actually larger than that of the bigger Missy. Peggy is a compact but sturdy 4.5 lb dog at close to a year old. Another interesting fact is the way her vulva was angled - it was tilted outward as if teasing any male who would give her the humping she deserved. I have not seen that before in my bitches in heat. She was also tilting her tail to the side whenever tough near the rump - this is a text book sign of readiness to mate. I have read about this but I have not seen it yet on my dogs, and certainly not as obvious as the way Peggy does it. This bitch is screaming for sex! I was certainly intrigued. Should I mate her? She turns a year old in a matter of days but it is her first heat. Is her body ready to carry and nurse a litter? I kept asking myself this last question. Is she ready? Having had mated two bitches earlier, I do not have to breed Peggy to get the litter I want. Is she ready? A voracious eater, she is a full-bodied dog of sturdy frame all tucked in a compact, vigorous body. Her wide vaginal opening is conducive to birthing and her voracious appetite promises sturdy milk supply. In all honesty, I think she is ready. I made the exception to my breeding rule and mated her to a very promising show dog.
Eventually, I also had Blossom mated. I now have 4 pom bitches mated. My fifth and last pom bitch actually also joined the fray. Basha was the last to come to hit. I felt Basha's body is still slight so I opted not to breed her. I want her to bulk up first for the rigors of pregnancy. Basha just turned a year old.
After months of waiting, all my pom bitches are now in heat, and they have to do it almost in unison. Have I mentioned that my year old beagle also joined the fray? No I did not breed her - she is way too young and I certainly have my hands full with four mated poms. I have heard anecdotes of synchronized menstrual periods in all-women dorms, and have learned about synchronized estrus in pigs in high school, but God must be smiling and teasing me in heaven when he finally granted my wish. When it rains, it does pour :-)