First Grooming Customer
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Marketing Plan
In almost every activity I get into, I plan thoroughly. For weeks, I plan and imagine in my head how I will lure customers into our neighborhood salon. While our street Germany is closely parallel to the main commercial avenue that is Doña Soledad, people have to enter the village gate and pass through the sole open end of our street to see our banner. I have to have a brilliant marketing strategy.
The strategy is customer-centric. We profile our target customer. Families with toy dogs. Locations: Better Living, Sun Valley, Aero Park, Merville and the smaller villages in between.
Gender of owner: Mostly female. Dogs owned: shih tzu, poodle, long-haired mixed breeds. Income level: enough to invest in dog grooming.
In marketing, visibility is the key. We have a 2'x3' tarpaulin banner hanging in our gate and in the village newspaper store near the village gate. For the latter, I invested a few hundred pesos for the privilege. We printed about 100 half-page flyers and placed them in neighbors' mail boxes. In my regular dog walks, I pray that I will bump into potential customers. I did meet a couple of nice dog people and I looked forward to helping them groom their dogs. I made this blog in the hope that some dog lover will read it and discover our gem of a salon. The strategy that bagged the first customer was the 500 flyers we inserted last Sunday into newspapers and magazines. I have to thank the newspaper store owner who allowed me to hang the banner and gave this brilliant idea of inserts. I am now an advocate of this marketing tool.

The Adorable Shih Tzu pup